Thursday, January 31, 2013

Remembering Grandma

I'm sharing a very personal moment with you here. My grandmother recently passed away from this world and into a better one. My mom and my aunts asked my generation, her grandchildren, to think about our favorite memories with Grandma so that they can compile our memories into a keepsake for us and other family members. 

Sounded like very, very unpleasant homework to me. I put it off and put it off. But today I finally came around to the idea and decided to tackle the task. It was hard but easy. The tears kept coming and I didn't want them to come. But the words came easily, too, and the memories fast, like a movie in fast-forward. When I stopped writing and read what I'd written, I thought "My Grandma was somethin' special" and suddenly the momentous task wasn't such a bad thing after all. I was glad I was sharing my memories. I wanted to share. These are the words that made it to paper tonight...

My favorite childhood memories of "Grandma P" revolve around food. When we stayed with her there were ALWAYS tea cakes in the big white Tupperware container; if we were lucky, breakfast would be a fresh-from-the-oven made-from-scratch biscuit covered in maple syrup and served in a bowl with a spoon;  Grandma could make delicious vegetable soup from frozen leftover veggies and I got to pull the vegetables from the freezer once, which I thought was a special privilege; and whenever Granddaddy would cook a hog, Grandma would bake up some crispy skins and I'd watch through the oven window, waiting for them to be done. How many meals did we grandkids share at that little green kitchen table? How many snacks? How many hours did we sit there just to be in the kitchen with Grandma?      

My daughter and niece showering their Great-Grandma
with gifts and anxiously watching as she opens them.
Christmas 2012

Love you and miss you Grandma P... 

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